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VIDEO: Lando Norris About Going On Vacation With Max Verstappen And Getting Sick

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During the press conference before the Las Vegas Grand Prix of this weekend there was this moment with Lando Norris in the press conference. He joked about going on holiday with Max Verstappen and getting both ill so they don’t have to go to the Formula 1 launch event for next season.

VIDEO: Penelope Had This Message For Max Verstappen’s Friends

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During this sim race of Max Verstappen he got surprised by Penelope who had a message for his ‘silly friends’…

VIDEO: Gary Anderson FUMES At Journalists At World Grand Prix 2024

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Gary Anderson wasn’t happy with the journalists during the interview after his game against Michael Smith. The Flying Scotsman did beat the former World Champion Michael Smith but wasn’t happy with the treatment of the current World Champion Luke Humphries. And when Anderson isn’t happy he speaks his mind and the journalists found out as […]

VIDEO: Pietrezko Makes This Mistake During Game With Raymond van Barneveld

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During the first day of the World Grand Prix there was this awkward moment which happened in the match between Ricardo Pietrezko and Raymond van Barneveld. Watch how the German player forgot he had to start the match with a double… The two recently met at the Swiss Darts Trophy, and once again there was […]

VIDEO: Fallon Sherrock Feels Embarrassed After Wayne Mardle Beats Her In Style

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Fallon Sherrock visited Wayne Mardle’s Club 501 and as always they ended the episode with a game of darts. The Queen of the Palace wasn’t happy though with the way her opponent finished the game as he brought out one of his trickshots. Furthermore, there was of course a reflection on Fallon’s performance at the […]

VIDEO: PDC IS Not Happy With Danny Noppert Because Of This Moment

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Danny Noppert managed to beat Dirk van Duijvenbode at the German Darts Championship and his next oponnent will be Michael van Gerwen. After the win against Van Duijvenbode there was this moment during his interview for the PDC.

VIDEO: This Is Craziest Set-Up Shot We Have Seen By Connor Scutt

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We have seen some darts but this set-up shot by Connor Scutt is a new one for us. Watch what he does from 190 points left to bring the score back to 2-2 in style. At the Super Series, Connor Scott astonished everyone by checking out 190 in a way that we never thought possible, […]

VIDEO: Lando Norris Almost Gets Ran Over After Leaving The Track

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Lando Norris won his second Formula 1 race by claiming the Dutch title at Zandvoort today. But after the race when he left the track things almost went wrong for him when he almost got run over by a car.

VIDEO: This Is Why Max Verstappen Was Slow At Zandvoort 2024

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We have all seen Max Verstappen having problems with his car making him too slow to be able to fight Lando Norris for the victory. This onboard footage show the biggest problem with the Red Bull at this moment. While things went almost perfect on track for Lando Norris this was way different when he […]

VIDEO: Owen Roelofs Won Match In Style And Stunned His Opponent

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Franz Rotzsch was stunned when he saw Owen Roelofs end their game in this way. Watch what the Dutchman pulled off to win the game in the first round of the Players Champiponship 19.